Dog3 is


on Dogecoin

Meet Dog3, the execution layer for Dogecoin.

Meet Dog3, the execution layer for Dogecoin.

Backed by the Best

QED and Dog3 are backed by the top investors and miners in the ecosystem

QED and Dog3 are backed by the top investors and miners in the ecosystem




Scale Dogecoin to Mars

Dog3 is on a singular mission to scale the utility, payment processing capabilities and security of Dogecoin using zero knowledge proofs.

Scale utility on Dogecoin with dApps and Smart Contracts


Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 transforms Doge a fully fledged application deployment platform.

Scale utility on Dogecoin with dApps and Smart Contracts


Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 transforms Doge a fully fledged application deployment platform.

Scale utility on Dogecoin with dApps and Smart Contracts


Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 transforms Doge a fully fledged application deployment platform.

Scale Payments on Dogecoin


100,000 TPS on Doge

Using the power of recursive ZKPs, Dog3 can process credit card scale payments

Scale Payments on Dogecoin


100,000 TPS on Doge

Using the power of recursive ZKPs, Dog3 can process credit card scale payments

Scale Payments on Dogecoin


100,000 TPS on Doge

Using the power of recursive ZKPs, Dog3 can process credit card scale payments

Trust Proof of Math, not multisigs


Trust Math, Not Multisigs

Dog3 is 100% secured by directly by Dogecoin and proof of math.

Trust Proof of Math, not multisigs


Trust Math, Not Multisigs

Dog3 is 100% secured by directly by Dogecoin and proof of math.

Trust Proof of Math, not multisigs


Trust Math, Not Multisigs

Dog3 is 100% secured by directly by Dogecoin and proof of math.

Very Web3

Very Web3

Very Web3

Welcome to
Web3 on Doge

Dog3 is the native execution layer on Doge and enables the best of Web3 on Dogecoin.

Dog3 is the native execution layer on Doge and enables the best of Web3 on Dogecoin.

Full Dogecoin Security

All Dog3 blocks are verified directly on Dogecoin using zero knowledge proofs.

Full Dogecoin Security

All Dog3 blocks are verified directly on Dogecoin using zero knowledge proofs.

Full Dogecoin Security

All Dog3 blocks are verified directly on Dogecoin using zero knowledge proofs.

Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 enables developers to deploy apps to Dogecoin for the first time 🎉

Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 enables developers to deploy apps to Dogecoin for the first time 🎉

Smart Contracts on Doge

Dog3 enables developers to deploy apps to Dogecoin for the first time 🎉

Scale Dogecoin to the Moon

Dog3 enables the people's currency without changing Doge's security model.

Scale Dogecoin to the Moon

Dog3 enables the people's currency without changing Doge's security model.

Scale Dogecoin to the Moon

Dog3 enables the people's currency without changing Doge's security model.

Non-Custodial and Trustless

Sending Dogecoin on Dog3 is fully non-custodial & doesn't rely on multisig bridges.

Non-Custodial and Trustless

Sending Dogecoin on Dog3 is fully non-custodial & doesn't rely on multisig bridges.

Non-Custodial and Trustless

Sending Dogecoin on Dog3 is fully non-custodial & doesn't rely on multisig bridges.

Developer Friendly

Dog3 supports a wide variety of languages including EVM, TypeScript, Rust and more

Developer Friendly

Dog3 supports a wide variety of languages including EVM, TypeScript, Rust and more

Developer Friendly

Dog3 supports a wide variety of languages including EVM, TypeScript, Rust and more

More Fun with Dog3

Dog3 opens up Dogecoin to the creativity of developers and shibes around the world!

More Fun with Dog3

Dog3 opens up Dogecoin to the creativity of developers and shibes around the world!

More Fun with Dog3

Dog3 opens up Dogecoin to the creativity of developers and shibes around the world!

Such Ecosystem

Such Ecosystem

Such Ecosystem

DogeCon Logo
DogeCon Logo
DogeCon Logo

The Largest Doge Conference, Ever.

The Largest Doge Conference, Ever.

The Largest Doge Conference, Ever.

QED and Dog3 are at the forefront of organizing online/offline events to unite shibes from around the world and make Dogecoin a better place.

QED and Dog3 are at the forefront of organizing online/offline events to unite shibes from around the world and make Dogecoin a better place.

QED and Dog3 are at the forefront of organizing online/offline events to unite shibes from around the world and make Dogecoin a better place.


very conference

DogeCon 2024 @ Bangkok

Miners, Memers, Developers, Investors, Shibes

Much Tools

Much Tools

Much Tools

Dog3 Tools for Public Good

We are dedicated to providing free tools in our mission to make the Dogecoin community a better place.

Dogecoin Script IDE

BitIDE for Doge

A fully featured scripting IDE for Dogecoin

Dogecoin Script IDE

BitIDE for Doge

A fully featured scripting IDE for Dogecoin

Dogecoin Script IDE

BitIDE for Doge

A fully featured scripting IDE for Dogecoin

Block Explorer

Doge Explorer

A Modern Block Explorer and Data API for Dogecoin

Block Explorer

Doge Explorer

A Modern Block Explorer and Data API for Dogecoin

Block Explorer

Doge Explorer

A Modern Block Explorer and Data API for Dogecoin

Free Doge for Devs

Doge Testnet Faucet

Get free $TESTDOGE and start building on Doge

Free Doge for Devs

Doge Testnet Faucet

Get free $TESTDOGE and start building on Doge

Free Doge for Devs

Doge Testnet Faucet

Get free $TESTDOGE and start building on Doge

Many Github

Many Github

Many Github

Dog3 ❤️ Open Source

Dog3 and our parent org QED are committed to supporting the Dogecoin open source community and are actively maintaining tools for public good on Doge.

Dog3 and our parent org QED are committed to supporting the Dogecoin open source community and are actively maintaining tools for public good on Doge.


The first TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for Dogecoin.
Ultra lightweight (24kb gzipped) and only 1 dependency for maximum auditability.

The first TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for Dogecoin.
Ultra lightweight (24kb gzipped) and only 1 dependency for maximum auditability.


A reorg-tolerant, modular framework for building ordinals/transaction indexers on Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

A reorg-tolerant, modular framework for building ordinals/transaction indexers on Bitcoin and Dogecoin.


A fully featured rust library for interacting with Dogecoin in Rust including correct parsing of Dogecoin blocks/AuxPow.

A fully featured rust library for interacting with Dogecoin in Rust including correct parsing of Dogecoin blocks/AuxPow.


The first open source block explorer and block history API for Dogecoin.

The first open source block explorer and block history API for Dogecoin.


The first end-to-end zkRollup on Dogecoin.
Includes full node software, RPC, prover implementations and gadgets for Dogecoin.

The first end-to-end zkRollup on Dogecoin.
Includes full node software, RPC, prover implementations and gadgets for Dogecoin.


An easy to use tool for simulating forks/re-orgs on Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

An easy to use tool for simulating forks/re-orgs on Bitcoin and Dogecoin.